Sunday, June 25, 2017

Social Networking

Social networking is the most popular way to communicate a calm easy way. It's like building relationship all through the use of the internet and technology has been a huge thing is today's world, causing an effect on society. It can be looked as both positive and a negative thing. The use of technology makes everything so modern and up to date but at the same time affects the people adapting to it. From a corporate perspective, I feel like its an invasion of your personal life. There's also a lot of negative things that occur as an individual's social network.

Just by the simple use of internet corporates can pretty much track everything you do and publicly see without a problem. The benefits of technology its accessibility and reliability because everything we do is within reach of our fingertips. Technology has been proven to be a form of way to make everything easier for us. With time I feel like everything can be done faster and eventually there would be more innovations and creativity.

There is a "dark side" to technology because that means that eventually with time there isn't going to be any privacy.  We see today how much people rely on their devices and there is less communication on face to face. I personally feel that wit time we are going to end up being anti-social and talking to our devices. Now the million dollar question is, How great is technology for the future? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? 

  1. Antisocial Networking? by Hilary Stout, New York Times, May 2, 2010, p. ST1. Available at
  2. Knowledge@Wharton, "Leaving 'Friendprints': How Online Social Networks Are Redefining Privacy and Personal Security

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