Thursday, July 6, 2017

New Media

It's so hard to try to make or find a new media because everything is so advanced and up to date. A new media that may work and is not being used could probably be something like a gadget that can reminds you everything you did theough out the day. Reminder to keep up to date and tracking everything instead of you actually having to write it in your agenda. ?

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


File sharing is where others distribute and provide access to digital media. People get access through things like audio, images, videos, documents and ebooks. There so many ways to share files and syncing media.

P2P file sharing is known for peer to peer file sharing through the use of software programs. Some examples are google docs, sound cloud, torrent files, etc. With the update of technology and networks things have changed.

The internet has been a great source for people to share files. According to NPR it is true that people find it much easier to and feel less pressure when they borrow others people information. P2P has a lot to offer to all of us who use it.
  1. Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013


With New media in todays society there is no privacy and most of our information that we post are not confidential. Although technology has offered various options for people to maintain and keep things private it still not 100% efficient. Privacy has been thrown out the window along with sharing even the most private things which is leading to a whole market based on user data. Private information theft has been a big issue because things are shared and keep moving forward. The internet is such a free tool that everything is so easily shared and seen on the media. People tend to get too involved with others life and share too much information. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Creativity and New Media

 How Could I possibly be Creative?
Well, social media has made it so easy. Have you ever used snap chat? Well if you havent, you can now create a Bitmoji that looks just like you.. Here is an example of mine.

I pretty much used the settings on the app and made an avatar that somewhat looked like me.

HW Creativity

How does new media foster creativity? well think about it for you to have something new, you clearly need to be creative with things. The right way to do things is by taking old things and mixing it up with new ones too at the end of the day create an up to date version of anything. New media is slowly changing many things and opening people's mind to bigger and different things than the old plain and simple. One good example that I recently looked at creative was the new movie of Beauty and the Beast. They kept the same old story and changed the use of cartoon and made it more up to date with the time period that we are currently in. Also focusing that with time we have newer generations which are clearly different to the old ones.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can be used as a form to communicate using text, sound, graphical images and gestures. Personally is more of making it unique and different but eventually doing the same on a virtual level. Just like anything else it has it's good and bad.  Since virtual reality mimics the real world it can be used to improve some things. Meanwhile, at the same time, it is difficult and time-consuming to recreate a virtual environment that captures all the details of the real world. How could you possibly get the best of both worlds? The virtual world is more of a way to make communication stronger and making things more visual.

Fostering creativity would be by making thins new and more real. You want to have collaboration and things to be known. The afterlife would completely be so modern that it would all be virtual and newly designed. For everything to eventually work the real and virtual world would have to collide and become one new up to date world.
In the future, I feel like virtual worlds are going to feel so realistic because of the development of technology. Everything is starting to get so modernized that things are going to be so realistic. Just imagine everything in 3-D but it's actually virtual? Wouldn't it be the coolest thing ever?

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Blog: Social networking sites

Facebook... Twitter..Instagram...Snapchat.....???? 

These four sites have changed so much in the past couple of months. The two most popular I believe is Instagram and Snapchat which are quick and easy to use. Using facebook and twitter is more of sharing your feelings and thoughts with everyone and it stays there. Meanwhile the other two sites you can post and it then disappears.

Facebook is too much going on when you open up the site, you have ads and depending on how many friends you have most of the post are too repetitive. Twitter is the matter of following people and them following you for you to see things. Instagram is personally one of my favorites you upload your pics people like it or not and that's it. Personally, I prefer to see some post and that's it not interact as much. Snapchat also goes the same way you post and after 24 hours it disappears. All four sites are very easy to use and basic for its users. 

New Media

It's so hard to try to make or find a new media because everything is so advanced and up to date. A new media that may work and is not b...