Thursday, July 6, 2017

New Media

It's so hard to try to make or find a new media because everything is so advanced and up to date. A new media that may work and is not being used could probably be something like a gadget that can reminds you everything you did theough out the day. Reminder to keep up to date and tracking everything instead of you actually having to write it in your agenda. ?

1 comment:

  1. Its seems pretty convenient, but I see one problem in such wide extension of technology to people's life. I think that the reminder of your normal activities will make its user brain to become lazy and eventually shrink in its ability to function properly. I believe that human brain should always stay busy and engaged in order for it to develop and fully fulfill its purpose.


New Media

It's so hard to try to make or find a new media because everything is so advanced and up to date. A new media that may work and is not b...